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The Millwater Mag was established in 2014, born out of a need and desire to bring people from a brand new community together. The Millwater community has one thing in common: to create an atmosphere of togetherness. Since it's beginning, The Millwater Mag has achieved just that and continues to do so. It has grown in size and distribution in the past 10 years and as of 1 August 2021 ten thousand copies are published each issue and distributed throughout the local community, including Millwater, Milldale, Silverdale and Orewa.


The magazine has become a way to facilitate this, as many residents contribute to its informative content. We constantly receive feedback from our readers, stating that the magazine is well read and highly valued, due to its content and presentation.



Testimonials from readers


"The beating heart of Millwater is truly enhanced by the presence of it's own "Millwater Mag". Residents use the Mag as their own local "Bible". Preferring to frequent local businesses, the Mag is a reliable reference for a diversity of services ranging from landscaping to facials. The Mag has become so popular that Millwater residents become quite disconcerted if they think they may have missed out their monthly issue. It's read from cover to cover with great glee."

- Diana, Millwater Resident.​



"As a Millwater resident I cannot wait each month for the latest magazine to arrive. It keeps me in touch with all that is happening locally and because I want to support local business where I can it is my go to for finding any services I or my household require. I assist delivering the magazine each month and often people come out to greet me on my delivery walks, who are the same as me, looking forward to receiving our lovely magazine that is all about “us”. We are so lucky to have this resource and it is a great way for me to promote activities for the Millwater Women’s Group." - Marj Noble, Millwater resident.



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Grayson and Sarah were both born and raised in Auckland, moving to Millwater in May 2014. They have backgrounds in finance and teaching respectively and were the proud business owners of Mike Pero Real Estate in Millwater until February 2022. They love the Hibiscus Coast and are proud to call it home.

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Claire Nevans was born and raised in West Auckland back when it was full of vineyards, orchards and Tim Shadbolt. After many years in Central Auckland and the UK, she made the move to Millwater in 2014 with her husband David and their two young children.


Claire’s career background was in investment banking, but while at home with her children she decided it was time for a change. After graduate studies and training Claire now works as a freelance editor from her home in Millwater. She loves helping words shine with rhythm and clarity and is thrilled to be part of The Millwater Mag team.


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